
The project consists of three components: martial arts, tennis, and table tennis. The practical courses provide international students with an opportunity to understand and appreciate the essence of Chinese martial arts, the charm of tennis, and the beauty of table tennis.

Chinese "kung fu" is profound, extensive, and has a long history. The greatness of Chinese martial arts lies not only in its combat techniques but also in the spirit inherited from the martial arts predecessors. The spirit encompasses physical strength and fitness, character building, loyalty, patriotism, and perseverance.

Civilized, elegant and fashionable tennis course.Tennis, known as the "green opium," is a popular and fun sports activity. It serves as a recreational activity, a means of improving health, as well as an artistic pursuit and source of enjoyment.

Table tennis, the national sport of China, offers endless variations through the essential elements: placement, speed, strength, and spin. It has the functions of mental stimulation, intellectual development, treatment of myopia, and improving mental well-being.

The content of the project is easy to learn and accept. The main objective is to let students know more about Chinese traditional sports and popular fashionable projects. Therefore, the course content is logically structured and designed to be simple, understandable, and easy to learn. It allows participants to enjoy the joy of sports while experiencing the charm of both traditional and fashionable sports.

2.Teaching Master

Qiu Hongjun graduated from Shaanxi Normal University with a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education in 1996 and obtained a master's degree in Sports Human Science from Shaanxi Normal University in 2007. He is a national-level referee for tennis, table tennis, and athletics. He has served as a referee for international tournaments such as the Wuhan Tennis Open, Tianjin Tennis Open, and Chengdu International Tennis Challenge. In 2014-2015, he was a visiting scholar at the University of NorthCarolina at Charlotte in the United States.


Gao Danna graduated from Xi'an Institute of Physical Education with a bachelor’s degree in Sports in 1999 and obtained a master's degree in Physical Education in 2011. She has long served as an undergraduate table tennis teaching and has been deeply loved by the students. Miss Gao has also coached and selected international students to participate in the Xi'an International Student Table Tennis Tournament.

Song Shaopeng is a lecturer and holds a master's degree. He is a national-level referee and has won numerous championships in Chinese martial arts. He has served as a referee in national and provincial martial arts competitions. He is the head coach of the university's martial arts team and has led the team to participate in national and provincial university martial arts competitions, winning a total of 60 gold, 50 silver, and 28 bronze medals.

3. Curriculum System

Course period: From July 17thto July 25th, 2023

Location:Sports Center GymnasiumofXi 'an Jiaotong University

Course arrangement







a.Introduction to Chinese martial


b.Learn the basic movements of

martial arts

Song Shaopeng,

Li Yan

July 17th 15:00-17:00



a.Learn the basic movements of

martial arts;

b.Learn Tai Chi Eight Methods

Five Steps ( 1-4 )

Song Shaopeng

July 18th 15:00-17:00



a.Review Tai Chi Eight Methods

Five Steps ( 1-4 )

b.Learn Tai Chi Eight Methods

Five Steps ( 5-8 )

Song Shaopeng

July 19th 15:00-17:00



a.Introduction to table tennis

b.Learn the backhand push


Gao Danna,

Li Yan

July 20th 15:00-17:00



a.Learn the forehand and

backhand flat

b.Learn the forehand offensive


Gao Danna

July 21st 15:00-17:00



a.Review the backhand push and

forehand offensive stroke

b.Provide an introduction to

competition rules

Gao Danna

July 22nd 15:00-17:00



a.Introduction to the tennis

b.Learn the forehand stroke

Qiu Hongjun,

Li Yan

July 23rd 15:00-17:00



a.Learn the forehand stroke.

b.Learn the backhand stroke

(two-handed backhand).

Qiu Hongjun

July 24th




a.Learn Tennis Serve

b.Learn the Match rules

Qiu Hongjun,

Li Yan

July 25th



4. Admission Information

Entry requirement: The program caters to a wide range of audiences, not only the undergraduates or postgraduates in physicaleducation;all students who are interested in the program are encouraged to join us.

Link for registration by July 15 th, 2023, please click the link below:


After application, please scan the code to enter the QQ group of Summer school.

Student treatment: We will provide you with the certificate (completion certificate) of Xi’an Jiaotong University for the summer course.

Traditional and Fashion Sports XJTISS-Tencent Questionnaire